

Sunday:[9:30 AM] Sunday School [10:45AM] Worship Service | Wednesday [6:15PM]Prayer & Bible Study

OBC Missions

Ogden Baptist Church is fully committed to seeing the Gospel spread worldwide. We believe Acts 1:8 serves as a command from Jesus for the church to live missionally at a local, national, and international level. As part of our Missions efforts, we want to encourage every one of our people to regularly seek ways that they can  PRAY, GIVE, and GO!


We adopt a multi-level approach to our prayer time each week at our Wednesday night prayer meeting. We want to pray for the Gospel efforts we are involved in and partnering with locally and those mission efforts seeking to reach the nations for Christ. As part of these prayer efforts, we are specifically focusing on praying for Unreached People Groups worldwide. We would love to pray for you if you would like to REQUEST PRAYER.


We at OBC also seek to steward the resources God has blessed us with to further his kingdom. For that reason, annually we give to several different mission offerings. This year, our giving campaigns are supporting a number of different groups, including:


Throughout the Bible we see God giving his people the command to GO. (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46-47, John 20:21, Acts 1:8). At OBC, we want to be a SENDING CHURCH. This means that we want to actively look for opportunities to reach out into our communities and world to be the hands and feet of Jesus. So if you know of some way that we can serve our community please CONTACT US.